"Works" shall mean the Plant including the erection and other work to be carried out by the Contractor under the Contract. “工程”指合同项下承包方承担的设备安装和其它工作。
The life cycle of the power plant covers the whole process of the power plant starting from planning, design, construction, erection, test and adjustment, operation, maintenance to the final retiring and removal. 电厂生命周期是电厂从规划、设计、施工、建造、安装、调试、运行、维护,直到最终退役、拆除的整个过程。
A brief introduction is made about the design of Zhaoping HPP, including arrangement of plant area and powerhouse, structural design of prefabricated intake structures, upper structures of main powerhouse, draft tube, structures under erection bay, and expansion joints in main powerhouse. 简介桂江昭平水电站的厂区、厂房布置,对进水口预制结构以及主厂房上部结构、尾水管结构、安装间下部结构和主机间伸缩缝等主要结构设计特点进行概述。
During the commissioning period of Unit 1 in Yunhe Power Plant, some problems occurred because of design, erection and manufacturing reasons. 在济宁运河发电有限公司1号机调试过程中,汽轮机调节保安系统出现了一些问题。